Player's Stats Collected Through Python API

Player Stats from the 2011 Draft Class First Round were collected from an API which is shown in the links below.

Stats for ID:8476454 Stats for ID:8476455 Stats for ID:8476456 Stats for ID:8476457
Stats for ID:8476458 Stats for ID:8476459 Stats for ID:8476460 Stats for ID:8476461
Stats for ID:8476462 Stats for ID:8476463 Stats for ID:8476464 Stats for ID:8476465
Stats for ID:8476466 Stats for ID:8476468 Stats for ID:8476469 Stats for ID:8476470
Stats for ID:8476471 Stats for ID:8476472 Stats for ID:8476477 Stats for ID:8476478
Stats for ID:8476479 Stats for ID:8476480 Stats for ID:8476482 Stats for ID:8476483

Steps Taken

Step 1:Choosing an API

After looking online, an internal hockey stat api made by the NHL was found.

Step 2: Writing Code

After creating a string that contains the player id number, a for loop was written to run through each id and write the bio information found into a json file.

This step was repeated with the player's stats section as well.

Step 3:Write to a CSV

The json's were then combined into one csv file.

These were the steps to collect the player biographical and game statistics using an API.